This was SUPER easy and only took a little extra time outside of the usual preparation of a grilled cheese, but was well worth it. You can do this with pizza dough and fun ingredients that you put in the oven, or any kind of bread then fried up on the stove. I use multigrain, so I cut off the crusts and cut out some eyes and a nose for a jack-o-lantern shape.
It is tempting to grab a butter-knife out of your go-to silverware drawer, but a serated knife will cut better shapes from the bread. A cookie cutter would also work.
I stuffed our sandwiches with slices of mozzarella, pepperoni, and American cheese -- I had extra indredients from yesterday's pizza.
I threw them on the skillet and they came out really cute! I cooked up some quick "Halloween Noodles" (carrot and butternut squash pasta) and added some of the pumpkin carrot cookies Grace made last night.
It's been such a fun day so far, and hasn't taken any effort too far beyond the norm. Why not do a little extra to make what you already do even better? Happy upgrading and happy days!
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