You'll need:
- Slices of fresh Mozzarella cheese
- Package of Pepperoni
- Tomato Sauce/Pizza Sauce
- Pizza Crust (you can make your own, use a pre-made dough, or do what I did and use an already-made crust)
Preheat your oven to whatever your pizza dough recipe calls for.
Cut ghosts out of cheese either with a cookie cutter or a knife. Cut out a hole for the mouth and use small pieces of pepperoni for eyes.
I was able to make four ghosts that fit easily on the pizza. You can make more smaller ones, less bigger ones, or add other shapes.
Save the excess cheese from your ghost cutouts. Brush your pizza dough with olive oil and add the extra cheese pieces. Cover it in pizza sauce and put it in the oven for 3 minutes less than your pizza recipe calls for.
My recipe only called for the pizza being in the oven for 10 minutes, so after 7 I took it out. Put the ghosts on your pizza and put it back in for 3 minutes. If you put your cutouts on too soon, they might melt into the pizza and be more glob than ghost.
I added some salt, pepper, and Italian herbs as soon as it came out. It looked amazing, smelled amazing, and got some amazing reactions!
We had orange plates, black cups, and broccoli with cauliflower -- because pizza is not a vegetable. You may also note my green tea Monster Rehab that I could not live without! What? Am I drinking one while I write this post? Yes. Yes, I am.
Side note: Make sure you have at least one cheese-ghost per child or you run the risk of your edible efforts being destroyed in the tantrums that will ensue.
Happy haunting and happy days!
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